There is not a day that has gone by since you left that i haven't thought about you. I don't know why i haven't forgotten you. Maybe it's because you've made me happy every time i've hung out with you, maybe because of the fact that you're so open minded and accepting of other people and their beliefs, maybe because you would often a time remind me of how amazing and cute i was, maybe because you wanted to do the things that i like to do, or maybe even because you weren't afraid to come with me to church and see the things that make me happy. Sometimes i come home from a long day and just sit in my car in the dark, looking up at the stars and listening to the song i sang for you that night. It makes me smile, that was an amazing night.

I can't help but wonder how you could've forgotten about me already, after all the time we spent together and the fun times we had. I can't help but wonder why you only occasionally reply to my texts or emails, or why you couldn't even be bothered to take initiative and text, facebook or email me first. Don't I mean anything to you? If you're not making the effort to stay in touch then I'm obviously not that important to you.

I don't know what to do. I don't know why i bother texting you or emailing you photos from my formal and graduation. You don't appreciate the effort i make, so why should i wait for your replies, wondering if i even mean anything to you. I'm just going to stop talking to you until you show me you're ready to make the effort to be my friend.

"Don't forget about me, miss Payze"
I haven't forgotten about you, but it seems that you've forgotten about me.
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