It's such a relief to be done with all my HSC exams! The stress is gone and the weight is lifted off my shoulders. I'm so grateful to have God in my life--though i can't see him, i know he is there, i can feel his love and support. He helped me so much with my exams and so many of my prayers were answered.

Ok, so for the past two weeks i've really been pondering upon quite a mind-boggling concept! The fact that every single choice is followed by a consequence, EVERY SINGLE TIME! There's no exception to this natural, unspoken law. With every choice that is made, comes attached a fixed consequence, and that consequence ALWAYS happens. EVERY TIME. (Sorry, but I just can't get over this idea! And how could such a law even come into being? It's all so fascinating).
Now, because these consequences are affixed and never change, we know what will result from the choices we make. Therefore, by knowing the consequences and having the freedom to choose, we can indirectly choose the certain consequences that we want, right? That means that we can choose our own destiny! We're free to become exactly who we want to be and decide exactly what we want to do. We can be someone who is kind, helpful, friendly, happy, not judgemental, respectable or hard-working; or we can even be someone who is lazy, apathetic, unpunctual, who swears a lot, is violent or does drugs. Ourselves and our futures are all in our hands and we can become exactly who we want to be! Gosh, this is amazing!

Bad decisions unfortunately bring bad consequences and personally, i have at times in my life made very poor decisions, which brought long term consequences of unhappiness and regret. And what was even harder was that i had to face all the subsequent effects of my actions, which effects i could not run away from. That was one of the hardest things i've ever had to do in my life. Afterwards, i've regretted making the decision to suffer all those long term consequences for such a short-term gratification. It wasn't even worth it in the end.

My dear friend, i love reading your blog. And i'm sorry that you feel that you're losing your religion. But i just want you to know that you will only lose your religion if you choose to let it go. See, like you I know how difficult it is to get up for seminary every morning, or to pray everyday or to live the so-unpopular values our religion teaches, but ultimately it's up to you to choose how involved you want to be. It's all in your hands. I've chosen to get up for seminary everyday for the past four years, to go to church every sunday, to make the effort to pray everyday, and to find answers to questions i have about God and church and life...And the reason why i've made these choices is because with them comes a joy and happiness beyond description, a joy that cannot be fabricated by popularity, swearing, sex, drugs or alcohol. It's the most amazing feeling.

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