Toast popping out of toasters.
Big rollercoasters.
Natural disaters.
Being in tight spaces
Passing out
Clowns in all shapes and sizes.
High places
driving at night
filling up at petrol stations.
Singing in public
Speaking on the phone
Having to deal with my own blood.
Walking past people who do drugs.
Horror movies
Dead people
Shocking on plugs.
Male P-Plate drivers
Getting serious injuries
Any kinds of bugs.
Not fitting in
Being lonely
Getting mugged.
All of these i am afraid of, But you are not on this list.
You shouldn't be afraid either, kid.
Sometimes things are easier than they seem if you just give it a shot or two. And you'll find that when you move out of you're comfort zone and take that first step into the nervousness, you'll eventually realise that it's possible to take down people's walls and get close enough to know them and get to know who they really are.
Fear of the unknown: Common, though restrictive at times.
Partaking of the unknown can open doors to new, amazing worlds
which would in no wise be found if the comfort zone was not left
unattended for just a short amount of time.
Just take that step. Be Brave.
It's not as bad as you think.
I promise.

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