What a bad blogger, i haven't posted in ages. Anyway.
Yesterday i was really really sick and we were meant to go shopping. So you came over to my house to pick me up but when you saw how sick i was you stayed home taking care of me. You were so sweet. I have a phobia of vomiting and so i was really scared, and i just couldn't think of a way out of it. But you were there to hold my hand and tell me that everything was going to be ok. It may sound corny, but i really needed you there--i don't know how i would've done it on my own. I felt so vulnerable because i showed you my fears and i was crying and i felt so helpless. But you just sat with me and held me and spoke gentle words of encouragement. You even helped me clean everything up (which is pretty gross :/ but i guess that's how much you love me). I can't even begin to express my appreciation for how grateful i am to you for all of your kindness and caring. I really didn't know how i was going to do it, but you were there and it made all the difference in the world. There aren't words adequate enough to express my gratitude for what you did for me yesterday ♥ Thank you.

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