Why is it that when things go wrong people completely disregard the 10 good things that have happened and only see the 1 bad thing. Funny, isn't it.
Thanks for appreciating me and all the effort i've made for you. It feels really good to know that you'd rather go to your friends because they'll cheer you up; and ask somebody else for help with your english essay when you know that i'm so willing to help you.
I'm the best girlfriend ever, eh? I'm so good for you that you have to find happiness from other people who don't even care as much as i do.Why would you date someone who can't even make you happy, huh? Sounds like you're wasting your time to me.
I wish you'd just find someone else so that i don't have to keep getting hurt when you don't see all the things i do for you. I'm sure Mel would gladly take my place, maybe you should go out with her--and it's a plus too that on days where no one can make you smile, she can. Looks like a good option to me, mate.
Last time i checked, a boyfriend who loves his girlfriend wouldn't let such a small little thing get in the way of someone he absolutely adores. I hate all the tears i've ever cried for you and i wish that when things go wrong like today, and like they occasionally do, you'd see the greater picture--the picture where even though i'm not perfect i love you with all my heart and still try my best every single day. I may slip up occasionally and storm off, but if you loved me as much as you say you do, wouldn't you be forgiving and come after me because you'd never want to see the most amazing girl in the world, whom you love, run away?
I wish you'd love me no matter what and be patient with all my weaknesses. though you don't seem to see it, i try my best every single day and i'm constantly aware of and trying to overcome my weaknesses. I wish you'd see that.

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