The violins take on a beautiful but poignantly distressed character.
If i were a violin, this feeling would characterise my song, and my song's name would be called "Adagio in G minor":
The Exposition starts.
I take the melody, while the rest of my instrumental family accompanies me.
I feel alone, even though they're right behind me, holding me up.
I repeat myself, just to gain more confidence so that i wont make a fool of myself.
I play minor thirds and minor sixths with passion and with the whole capability of my little, wooden heart.
I've made my statement.
It is now the Development.
I long to duet with the oboe;
Just the two of us in perfect harmony. A beautiful harmony...
It's time for us to come in.
I find myself playing alone.
My partner is nowhere in sight! I start to fear.
The Development becomes more intense and i cry out, playing notes as close to the bridge as i can, on the E-String.
I've lost the melody, some other instrument has taken it up.
I thought the oboe would join me. But he didn't.
I've embarrassed myself.
My instrumental family is still there though, playing alongside me.
Nevertheless, i lose control and expel my sadness--i long to hear the glorious voice of that oboe i've dreamt all my life of dueting with.
I thought this would be my chance, but it has obviously turned out otherwise.
As the sorrow of what just happened sinks deep, i pull myself together and decide to press on.
It is now the Recapitulaion.
Though still somewhat shaken, i take up the melody once again; the same one that i sang earlier, in the beginning. The one that i know i'm capable of performing.
The minor thirds and sixths come out strong, but not as strong as before.
All i desire right now is to walk away and stop making a fool of myself.
Why didn't the oboe join me?
My song ends.
But wait!
Suprise jumps out from nowhere--
A "tierce de picardie" announces itself bodly!
If i were a violin, this feeling would characterise my song, and my song's name would be called "Adagio in G minor":
The Exposition starts.
I take the melody, while the rest of my instrumental family accompanies me.
I feel alone, even though they're right behind me, holding me up.
I repeat myself, just to gain more confidence so that i wont make a fool of myself.
I play minor thirds and minor sixths with passion and with the whole capability of my little, wooden heart.
I've made my statement.
It is now the Development.
I long to duet with the oboe;
Just the two of us in perfect harmony. A beautiful harmony...
It's time for us to come in.
I find myself playing alone.
My partner is nowhere in sight! I start to fear.
The Development becomes more intense and i cry out, playing notes as close to the bridge as i can, on the E-String.
I've lost the melody, some other instrument has taken it up.
I thought the oboe would join me. But he didn't.
I've embarrassed myself.
My instrumental family is still there though, playing alongside me.
Nevertheless, i lose control and expel my sadness--i long to hear the glorious voice of that oboe i've dreamt all my life of dueting with.
I thought this would be my chance, but it has obviously turned out otherwise.
As the sorrow of what just happened sinks deep, i pull myself together and decide to press on.
It is now the Recapitulaion.
Though still somewhat shaken, i take up the melody once again; the same one that i sang earlier, in the beginning. The one that i know i'm capable of performing.
The minor thirds and sixths come out strong, but not as strong as before.
All i desire right now is to walk away and stop making a fool of myself.
Why didn't the oboe join me?
My song ends.
But wait!
Suprise jumps out from nowhere--
A "tierce de picardie" announces itself bodly!

I thought it was all over; that i was stuck where i was.
But that's actually not the case at all. Thankfully.
My eyes have been opened to many other possibilities.
Though, i don't know which one to take;
I don't know which way to go.
I feel alone, but for once in my life i actually have hope.
A strange thing this is.
I don't know where or how to start my new symphony, but all i do know is that it's not the end;
there's a whole new adventure on it's way waiting for me to persue.

I do hope you can be in my new adventure, though. I think you'd be a great friend to help me along the way. And i want to be there for you too.
My eyes have been opened to many other possibilities.
Though, i don't know which one to take;
I don't know which way to go.
I feel alone, but for once in my life i actually have hope.
A strange thing this is.
I don't know where or how to start my new symphony, but all i do know is that it's not the end;
there's a whole new adventure on it's way waiting for me to persue.

I do hope you can be in my new adventure, though. I think you'd be a great friend to help me along the way. And i want to be there for you too.
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