Today i was really upset in the morning (these past two days have been horrible, thinking about all the work i have to do with such little time before trials) but when i said my prayers this morning, God heard me. I told him all of my problems and asked for his comfort and help; his help to be more positive and try my best instead of giving up. I love how he hears me and loves me so much because he helped me turn everything around and be happy. He also blessed me with so much help: I had the opportunity to perform my music piece in front of a huge audience as preparation for my HSC practical, my teacher gave me the best set of bio notes today which cover a lot of our current topic, my chem teacher did revision with us and i could answer almost all of the questions (which definitely boosted my confidence) and my friend made an effort and sent me all of his past HSC english stuff .

So many good things in my life have come out of praying. I know that God is there; He's my father in heaven and he loves me so much--i know because i feel him right there. I make so many mistakes every single day but he still answers my prayers and helps me! i find that so wonderful. In the scriptures he says that if we ask him then he'll answer us and i know it's true--i've seen it happen over and over in my life. I'm so grateful that i can have a relationship with him because he is so real and he knows me personally and wishes to bless me with so many things; i just have to ask.

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