I can't believe how much and how quickly you've changed. I hate how much you swear now--you never used to swear so much. It's so sharp, disgusting and unnecessary. You don't need to swear to be cool you know--I don't think it's cool at all, but i guess i'm not important enough to you, for you to want to stop.

Sometimes i feel like an idiot for even going out with you. I can't believe that i was fooled to believe that you were a really nice, decent guy (different to any of those other guys out there)--you've actually proved to be just any other guy. It may seem harsh but it's the truth: you swear, you drink, you want things from me that i don't want to give you, you're going to schoolies and you do most things that the average teenage boy does.

I can't believe that you came to my house to today (to talk and see if i'm ok), asked me what's happening with our relationship (which i thought we'd already established a week ago when you took your necklace back), told me that we shouldn't date because we're not right for each other, and then (straight after i tell you i don't want to date you right now) you kiss me as much as you can and take advantage of my vulnerability. It's like you want something from me before we break up for good, not even caring about what i want. Makes me feel special, aye.
You could've just sat there all day caressing my face and playing with my hair and telling me that i'm cute and beautiful and pretty and that you missed me everyday this week and whatever else you were saying, BUT NO. It's all about you and what you want.
I'm so sick of you, i'm so over this and i really wish you'd just figure out what you want. You change all the time and i can't keep up with you. How can you expect me to stick around?

If this is who you're going to be, then i don't want to date you right now, and i wont want to date you after the HSC and i wont ever want to date you. I want someone who knows what they want and who they want to be.
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