As i was sitting at the piano at home, i noticed the usual 4 o' clock sun rays that piece through the window and reflect off the kitchen counter and half way down the passage. If i had to pick my favourite time of the day to be at home, this would be it. I don't know how to describe what it looks like, but it is absolutely beautiful! The rays seem to be getting tired and more relaxed (as the day has gone by) and they gently light up the semi-dark house with this beautiful orangey glow. Just trust me, it's amazing :)

Anyway. This morning at 5:35am, just before i got out of bed for seminary, i realised just how comfortable and warm my bed is. All i remember is waking up and opening my eyes but not moving because of how comfy i was and all i could think of was how grateful i am to have a soft, comfortable, warm bed. I usually take this for granted, which is a sad thing i guess. I bet there are so many people out there in this world that don't even have beds to sleep on and here i am with an absolutely amazing bed. I'm just so grateful for all the wonderful things i've been blessed with.

Another thing i'm extremely grateful for is hot water. I know it doesn't seem like much, but when it's 5:40am in the morning and it's freezing cold outside and in the house, it is extremely satisfying to have a hot shower. Imagine i had to walk down to a river each morning/evening just to bathe and have to worry about freezing or being surrounded by all these creepy fish watching me. That would be way tough for me, so i'm really grateful for hot water :)
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